Why type when a :) does the trick?

This month marks the one-year mark for my mother and her first iPhone. She reluctantly joined the smartphone ranks when her full-keyboard cellphone, which we chose together because she’s a “serious texter,” gave out.  The person at the cell phone store got Mom up and running on her blue iPhone 5c, but she saved her real questions for my… Continue reading Why type when a 🙂 does the trick?

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Content strategy and content marketing walk into a bar…

There has been a lot of talk lately about the difference between content strategy and content marketing. A lot. Well-mannered missives have been fired by my colleagues in both fields, and perhaps the most prominent event thus far has been Kristina Halvorson’s SXSW talk, Go Home Marketing, You Are Drunk. Around the time that Kristina… Continue reading Content strategy and content marketing walk into a bar…

“Where are my panties?” and other questions raised by these sentient, connected times

Recently, I bought underwear from a certain online retailer, despite the fact that their models look nothing like me, and that they insisted on referring to my items as “panties.” I congratulated myself for saving time on a purchase at once mundane and personal. Plus, no one on the #1 bus needs to see me… Continue reading “Where are my panties?” and other questions raised by these sentient, connected times

Siri and I VS the world

I made no secret that I was sick of my sluggish iPhone 3G, and nearly as sick of hearing myself complain about it. It was a matter of practicality to be among the first to order the new iPhone 4S when it went on sale. I was less interested in Siri, the new voice command… Continue reading Siri and I VS the world

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Spacedust in my eye #STS135

Space Shuttle launches were local news for those of us who grew up in Florida. As a grade school student, I barely understood the gravity of the Challenger disaster, only that a teacher was on board, making it doubly sad. We watched Discovery‘s debut — and the space program’s triumphant return — on a fuzzy… Continue reading Spacedust in my eye #STS135

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An ode to slow computing

The other day, a coworker asked me if I’d heard of “slow computing.” “Is that like ‘slow food?’” I asked, assuming he was joking. However, despite my finding no evidence to support this via my semi-slow Internet connection (more on that in a moment), it appears my colleague was being sincere. “Yeah!” he said excitedly,… Continue reading An ode to slow computing

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Remembering Clif

On September 11, 2001, after losing what was left of my breakfast in the Boston Phoenix ladies’ room, I passed Clif Garboden on the way back to my desk. Seeing my pallor, he reminded me in his gruff yet reassuring way, “the Sun’s going to come up tomorrow.” I hadn’t been with the paper for… Continue reading Remembering Clif

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